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The latest market insights

Check out this quarter's insights and commentary about both the economy and the financial markets from our staff of economists and market analysts.

You can also share these perspectives with your clients to help answer questions and inspire greater confidence in the guidance you provide them.


Timely client conversation guides

The potential inflection in manufacturing data has significant implications for investors, impacting bond yields, market volatility, equity earnings, and the Federal Reserve's policy stance.


Earnings revisions provide valuable insights for investors, capturing trends that those focused solely on narrow economic indicators might overlook.


Investors benefit from adhering to a carefully crafted investment strategy, steering clear of impulsive choices influenced by election results.


With the S&P 500® Index continuing to defy gravity, investors may feel a sense of déjà vu.

 Woman financial professional, seated at desk and typing on keyboard

Cycle Watch: Our latest summary of the economy and financial markets

This collaboration between Nationwide Economics and Nationwide’s Chief of Investment Research can help investors and financial professionals understand the factors driving economic and financial market performance.


Insights and resources

Learn how investors can manage a barrage of financial news headlines, avoid irrational decisions, and stick to basic investing principles.

While politics can have a short-term effect on the market, investors must learn to tune out the political noise and focus on the fundamentals.

When investors understand how the business cycle moves, they are better equipped to evaluate long-term investment decisions.

Stay informed with our most current insights on the markets and economy to help clients make confident decisions.
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You can reach out to someone on our sales team at 1-800-321-6064.

The Advisor Advocate is a service mark of Nationwide Mutual Insurance Company.